Identity processes in marketing: Relationship between image and personality of tourist destination, destination self congruity and behavioral responses


  • Arianna Di Vittorio Associate Professor in Economics and Business Management
  • Lucrezia Maria De Cosmo Ph.D Researcher in Economics and Business Management
  • Nicolaia Iaffaldano Ph.D Researcher in Economics and Business Management
  • Luigi Piper Contract lecturer in Analytical Marketing; Research fellow


There are few works in literature that study the relationship between tourist destination image and tourist destination personality. The present study starting from the relationship between image and personality tries to analyze how this relationship can strengthen the identification of tourists with the destination itself and consequently behavioral responses. The results will highlight a strong impact of image on some personality traits of the destination and how these personality traits have an effect on the the effective, ideal, social and social ideal destination self congruity and on the intentions of return and word of mouth. The work ends with a discussion on the theoretical and managerial implications in terms of destination branding strategies.

Author Biographies

Arianna Di Vittorio, Associate Professor in Economics and Business Management

Department of Economics, Management and Business Law of the University of Bari “Aldo Moro”

Lucrezia Maria De Cosmo, Ph.D Researcher in Economics and Business Management

Department of Economics, Management and Business Law of the University of Bari “Aldo Moro”

Nicolaia Iaffaldano, Ph.D Researcher in Economics and Business Management

Ionian Department of Law, Economics and Environment of the University of Bari “Aldo Moro”.

Luigi Piper, Contract lecturer in Analytical Marketing; Research fellow

University of Bari; Department of Humanities, University of Salento


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