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Vol. 11 No. 2 (2020): Pedagogia dell'oggi: le sfide del presente. Percorsi di ricerca. Ricchezza e pluralità dell'indagine contemporanea

Changing the school through emotions. The role of reflective teachers’ training

marzo 29, 2020


The theme of emotions and relationships at school in recent years is acquiring a growing space in pedagogical literature. Their centrality for the purposes of successful teaching and learning is ascertained by numerous studies and research of different disciplinary fields. From the point of view of teacher behavior, the emotional dimension is no longer linked to character aspects but to specific skills that all teachers should possess. First of all, it is fundamental to know how to recognize one's own and others' emotions and to be able to manage them within the educational and didactic relationship. Teaching is a profession of high emotional intensity and, therefore, it is essential to train teachers to become aware of the emotional exchanges that take place within the classroom and to be able to direct them towards conditions of well-being for the students and for themselves. The goal of teachers education is to provide teachers with a reflexive habit that can act as a fulcrum for their constant personal and professional development and to establish a subjective space for «thoughtfulness», which represents a space for reflection and creativity.


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