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Vol. 7 No. 2 (2016): ESS - Alignment, attunement, co-activity, co-regulation. Convergent trajectories?

Start a community of practice through Action Learning: nurse manager to support the changing care practices

dicembre 13, 2016


This paper is part of the current of study defined as workplace studies which have the intent to focus the relationship between learning processes, communities of practice and organisational change processes. The field of intervention is the health field, in relation to nurse manager roles, focusing attention on problem solving and communication skills among Operating Unit (OU) manager and the repercussions on working practices. The study/intervention is triggered by some key questions emerging from the organisational requirements in care contexts, such as: how to reshape coordination roles that are traditionally centred on executive management towards a proactive function that is motivating for the nursing team? How is it possible to promote a community of practice between managers, consolidating the sense of company belonging? How to design a managerial role such as nurse manager according to organisation by processes and not just by tasks?
The answers to these questions involve two plans of action; one of a training and advisory nature, the second centred on the logic of research. 


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