Understanding the customer experience-loyalty link: A moderated mediation model


  • Marco Ieva University of Parma
  • Cristina Ziliani University of Parma


Multiple studies have focused on Customer Experience and its relationship with Customer Loyalty. Despite such attention, two research gaps are still open with reference to the Experience-Loyalty link: the mediating role of Customer Satisfaction and the moderating role of consumer characteristics. This study employs a moderated mediation analysis of the relationship between Customer Experience and Customer
Loyalty by including Customer Satisfaction as a mediator and Shopping Enjoyment as a moderator. An online survey on almost three thousand consumers is run with reference to grocery retailing. Results show the role of Customer Satisfaction as a mediator. Shopping Enjoyment interacts with the Negative Affective Customer Experience dimension in its relationship with Customer Satisfaction.

Author Biographies

Marco Ieva, University of Parma

Postdoctoral Researcher in Marketing in the Department of Economics and Management

Cristina Ziliani, University of Parma

Full Professor in Marketing in the Department of Economics and Management


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