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Vol. 11 No. 2 (2020): Pedagogia dell'oggi: le sfide del presente. Percorsi di ricerca. Ricchezza e pluralità dell'indagine contemporanea

Which learning for the 21st century?

April 23, 2020


The Learning is now at the center of education systems. The interest in “how” the mind learns, in fact, has outweighed the “what” it learns. Hence the emphasis on the “skills” that should put the person in a position not only to contribute to social cohesion and to their own personal growth but also, as it is confirmed in many documents of important international organizations and decision makers, to economic development and employment growth within a learning economy. The interest that comes from these environments for a “new pedagogy” that provides “skills” useful for the growing competition in the context of cognitive capitalism, however, risks emphasizing only one dimension of learning that favors its instrumentalization (Mezirow, 2000, trad. it. 2003) and that we could define as “competitive and goal centered”. In this way, the tension between subjectivity and universality that the Bildung era had impressed on the concept of education, and of which a renewed need is felt today, is eliminated. But what universality is permissible in the age of individual differences (Biesta, 2002)? The contribution aims to address these issues by proposing three “vertexs” (creative, aesthetic and ethical) which intend to provide a contribution to enrich the concept of learning while keeping universality on background.


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