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Vol. 11 No. 2 (2020): Pedagogia dell'oggi: le sfide del presente. Percorsi di ricerca. Ricchezza e pluralità dell'indagine contemporanea

Quality of inclusion and cooperative learning. An Action Research in an Apulian high school

March 23, 2020


Quality of inclusion and cooperative learning. An Action Research in an Apulian high school.
The paper describes an action research carried out in an Apulian high school. The research aims to promote a reflection about the quality of school inclusion to make an improvement in teacher’s professionalism, educational and teaching activities. The study describes the planning, realization and evaluation of inclusive plans, from observation of the functioning of students with special educational need, according to the ICF model, to experimentation of cooperative methodologies in the classroom. The results explain the importance of a careful planning skills in the dimensions of relationships and learning, able to integrate in a systemic view the school’s quality. The research also confirms that the active participation of teachers and students, in the promotion of better coexistence in school, is a fundamental strategy to make the class (and the school) an open and welcoming context, within which inclusion is understood not only as the involvement of all, but also as the enhancement of each.


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