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The need for innovation in didactics: inclusion and technologies

Vol. 9 No. 2 (2018): ESS - The need for innovation in didactics: inclusion and technologies

Towards an ICT-TPCK based design: Hybrid Solution for the development of soft skills in Higher Education

novembre 4, 2018


The implementation of the ICT-TPCK integrated design procedures (Technological, Pedagogical, Content Knowledge) can foster an effective teachers’ planning thinking. The aim is to consider all the elements as essential to develop an effective integration of ICT in teaching in HIS (Hybrid Instruction Solution) learning environments. A mixed methods study was carried out in 2017-18 involving 42 volunteer teachers. The goal was to design and to implement some onsite/online hybrid solutions to enhance specific soft skills in the field of curricular disciplinary teaching. A structured questionnaire was built, administered in and out, and could lead to interesting reflections on some issues that are still open in the Higher Education area: the quality and objectives of teacher training; the effective overcoming of the frontal lesson; the relationship between technological affordances and methodological approaches.


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