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Vol. 9 No. 1 (2018): ESS - Technologies and inclusion

Ipad in the classroom: perspectives of inclusiveness

March 21, 2018


This paper is a discussion on Technological solutions to promote inclusion in the classroom for students with disabilities and dyslexia. In its research on iPad for inclusion, CeDisMa -Research Center on Disability and Marginality- investigates the effects of a pedagogical approach in using iPad at school.  CeDisMa’s main interest areas are: developing knowledge on education, learning, teaching and training professionals in the field of special education needs. The Centre primarily deals with education, special needs and social inclusion. It cooperates with local administrations on projects financed by the EU Structural Funds for equal opportunities. It currently organizes post-graduate courses on care, education and training based on European programs. Since its release in 2010, iPad has attracted much attention as a learning tool for all level of education. Before implementing iPads in the classroom, teachers deserve a training that focuses on Special Education to teach more inclusively with iPad. The research describes an iPad project in Italy from primary to secondary schools. The pedagogical inclusive approach represents and interesting way to use iPad in the classroom.


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